Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our Responsibility to Be Worthy of Temple Worship

August 2010 Ensign

Our Responsibility to Be Worthy of Temple Worship

Study this material and, as appropriate, discuss it with the sisters you visit. Use the questions to help you strengthen your sisters and to make Relief Society an active part of your own life.

From the Scriptures

Isaiah 2:2–3; D&C 109:22–23; 110:8–10

"The covenants we make with the associated ordinances we receive in the temple become our credentials for admission into God's presence. These covenants elevate us beyond the limits of our own power and perspective. We make covenants to show our devotion to build up the kingdom. We become covenant people as we are placed under covenant to God. All the promised blessings are ours through our faithfulness to these covenants. . . .

"What can the women of the Church do to claim the blessings of the temple?

"Through His prophets, the Lord invites those who have not yet received the blessings of the temple to do whatever may be necessary to qualify to receive them. He invites those who have already received these blessings to return as often as possible to enjoy again the experience, to increase their vision and understanding of His eternal plan.

"Let us be worthy to have a current temple recommend. Let us go to the temple to seal our families eternally. Let us return to the temple as often as our circumstances will permit. Let us give our kindred dead the opportunity to receive the ordinances of exaltation. Let us enjoy the spiritual strength and the revelation we receive as we attend the temple regularly. Let us be faithful and make and keep temple covenants to receive the full blessings of the Atonement."1

Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency.

From Our History

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) taught that Relief Society grew out of sisters' desire to worship in temples:

"During the construction of the Kirtland Temple the women were called upon to grind their china into small particles to be mixed with the plaster used on the walls of the temple, which would catch the light of the sun and the moon and reflect that light to beautify the appearance of the building.

"In those times, when there was very little of money but an abundance of faith, the workmen gave of their strength and resources to the construction of the Lord's house. The women supplied them with food, the best they could prepare. Edward W. Tullidge reported that while the women were sewing the temple veils, Joseph Smith, observing them, said, 'Well, sisters, you are always on hand. The sisters are always first and foremost in all good works. Mary was first at the resurrection; and the sisters now are the first to work on the inside of the temple.' . . .

"Again in Nauvoo, when the temple was under construction, a few women joined together to make shirts for the workmen. It was out of these circumstances that twenty of them gathered on Thursday, 17 March 1842, in the upper room of the Prophet's store."2

What Can I Do?

  1. What support can I offer to help my sisters prepare for and attend the temple?
  2. How can I exemplify the heritage of the early sisters who sacrificed to receive temple blessings?
  3. How can I claim the blessings of the temple?

For more information, go to


1. Silvia H. Allred, "Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 113, 114.
2. Gordon B. Hinckley, " 'Ambitious to Do Good'," Ensign, Mar. 1992, 2.

Aug VT 2010 2

Aug VT 2010 3

Monday, July 5, 2010

Suggested handout for July Visiting Teaching

July Visiting Teaching Message from Esign 2010

Strengthening Families and Homes

“Strengthening Families and Homes,” Ensign, Jul 2010, 7

Study this material, and as appropriate, discuss it with the sisters you visit. Use the questions to help you strengthen your sisters and to make Relief Society an active part of your own life.

Strengthening at Every Opportunity

“Each of us is in a different family situation. Some families have a mother and father with children at home. Some couples no longer have children at home. Many members of the Church are single, and some are single parents. Others are widows or widowers living alone.

“No matter what our family looks like, each of us can work to strengthen our own families or help in strengthening others.

“[Once] I stayed in the home of my niece and her family. That evening before the children went to bed, we had a short family home evening and a scripture story. Their father told about the family of Lehi and how he taught his children that they must hold fast to the iron rod, which is the word of God. Holding fast to the iron rod would keep them safe and lead them to joy and happiness. If they should let go of the iron rod, there was danger of drowning in the river of dirty water.

“To demonstrate this to the children, their mother became the ‘iron rod’ that they must cling to, and their father played the role of the devil, trying to pull the children away from safety and happiness. The children loved the story and learned how important it is to hold fast to the iron rod. After the scripture story it was time for family prayer. …

“Scriptures, family home evening, and family prayer will strengthen families. We need to take every opportunity to strengthen families and support one another to stay on the right path.”1

From the Scriptures

Genesis 18:19; Mosiah 4:15; D&C 93:40; Moses 6:55–58

From Our History

From the beginning Relief Society has had a charge to strengthen families and homes. The Prophet Joseph taught sisters at an early Relief Society meeting, “When you go home, never give a cross or unkind word to your husbands, but let kindness, charity and love crown your works henceforward.”2

In 1914 President Joseph F. Smith told Relief Society sisters, “Wherever there is ignorance or at least a lack of understanding in regard to the family, … there this organization exists or is near at hand, and by the natural endowments and inspiration that belongs to the organization they are prepared and ready to impart instruction with reference to those important duties.”3

What Can We Do?

  • 1. What ideas for strengthening families and homes will you share with your sisters? As you ponder their individual circumstances, the Spirit can bring ideas to your mind.

  • 2. What priorities can you change this month to better strengthen your own family and home?

For more information, go to

Photo illustration by Robert Casey


1. Barbara Thompson, “His Arm Is Sufficient,” Liahona and Ensign, May 2009, 84.

2. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 482.

3. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith (1998), 186.